Thursday, March 18, 2010

The Price of Freedom

More Photos from Arlington

There are, on average, 27 funeral each day at Arlington. This is a photo of the Caisson platoon
of the 3d United States Infantry "The Old Guard". Caissons were originally used to carry
cannons, they are used at Arlington to carry the casket. We were all wondering why three of
the horses were riderless, so I had to do some research. This is a tradition which began in
the early horse-drawn artillery days when one horse of each team was mounted while the
other carried provisions and feed.

Graves of my Great-great grandparents. Now husbands and wives are buried together with the husband listed on the front of the tombstone and the wife on the back

Tomb of the Unknowns

Mast of the USS Maine

The Women in the Military Memorial

My grandmother was in the military, and she and my grandfather are actually in the picture that was taken when the memorial first opened. They have a copy of it in their house and it used to be a "where's Waldo" kind of game to the grandkids! Plus we won 5 dollars if we could find them!

Iwo Jima Memorial

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